How to log off, restart and shutdown, connected computer from one location?

Windows XP has a built-in feature (shutdown tools) that is used to shutdown any connected computers from any one computer. Using this feature, you can log off, restart and shutdown any computer in your network. This tip is very useful for you, if you are a Network Administrator at your company, because if you have experience to shutdown all connected computers daily in your local area network one by one, definitely that job is annoying responsibility for you.

Follow the given steps to configure shutdown tool on your computer:

To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

To perform this task, first make sure your both computers are directly connected or connected to network.

Click Start button then type shutdown -i in Run option then press Enter for next.

A small windows dialog box will appear with the title "Remote Shutdown Dialog".

Here first click on "Add" button to add computer, a small Add computers window will open, here type the name or IP address of the computer (you can add many computer for same action) that you want to turned off, then press OK for next.

Now select the action "What do you want these computers to do (log off, restart or shutdown)". If you want to warn your users about this action, select the check box "Warn users of the action" then set time, display warning for 30 seconds or more.

Now select the option that describes the reason to shutdown the computers and also type some comments for users.

Now when you press the OK button, the users will see a "System Shutdown Windows "with time and comments that you had

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How to Enable Logging to solve windows startup issue?

You can troubleshoot many of computer startup problems using windows boot logging. When you start you computer with enable boot logging feature, a log file will be created to identify the drivers and services that is creating the problem during startup. The name of this file is ntbootlog.txt and located in root directory (%SYSTEMROOT%, normally in C drive). You can search this file with the name "ntbootlog.txt" in C drive. Follow the example of ntbootlog.txt in windows XP.

Service Pack 2 8 7 2007 22:02:09.500

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\KDCOM.DLL

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\BOOTVID.dll

Loaded driver ACPI.sys

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\WMILIB.SYS

Loaded driver pci.sys

Loaded driver isapnp.sys

Loaded driver intelide.sys

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\PCIIDEX.SYS

Loaded driver MountMgr.sys

Loaded driver ftdisk.sys

Loaded driver dmload.sys

Loaded driver dmio.sys

Loaded driver PartMgr.sys

Loaded driver VolSnap.sys

Loaded driver atapi.sys

Loaded driver disk.sys

Loaded driver \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\CLASSPNP.SYS

Loaded driver fltMgr.sys

Loaded driver sr.sys

Loaded driver Fastfat.sys

Loaded driver KSecDD.sys

Loaded driver NDIS.sys

Loaded driver Mup.sys

Loaded driver agp440.sys

Did not load driver ACPI Uniprocessor PC

Did not load driver Audio Codecs

Did not load driver Legacy Audio Drivers

Did not load driver Media Control Devices

Did not load driver Legacy Video Capture Devices

Did not load driver Video Codecs

To enable boot logging, boot your computer and press F8 keys. An advance menu screen will appear with different options.

  • Safe Mode

  • Safe Mode with Networking

  • Safe Mode with Command Prompt

  • Enable Boot Logging

  • Enable VGA Mode.

  • Last known Good Configuration

  • Start Windows Normally

  • Reboot

Here select the option Enable Boot Logging, and press Enter button, your system will be returned to main menu screen and again press Enter button to start logging.

If there is no problem in windows startup, then your system will boot successfully in normal mode, and you can review the log file. In case any problems in log file regarding loading services and drivers then you can troubleshoot that services (stop and restart) and drivers (reinstall).

If your problem does cause Windows to crash then restart your system and again Press F8 button to boot your system in safe mode. In safe mode again reviewing the ntbootlog.txt file and identifies the problems either disable any device or uninstall any third party application. If your problem is still there then visit your hardware vendor website for help.

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How to solve virtual memory low error

Normally this warning message shows when you run many programs same time than the RAM installed on your computer is designed to support. Your can solve this problem by increasing the system paging file size also called as virtual memory. Using this virtual memory windows moving information to and from the paging file for fast processing. This will free up enough RAM for other programs to run properly.

To increase the system page file follow the give path:

Control Panel > System > Advanced > Click on Settings (Under Performance) > Advanced > Change

Here under Drive (Volume label), you have option to select any of your hard disk drive, but the best choice is, select any drive other than C drive for virtual memory.

Set the double Initial & Maximum Size of your Virtual Memory. Here set initial size 700 MB and maximum size up to 1000MB; you can change this size according to the free space available on your hard drive.

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How to change AutoRecover interval in Office 2007 and 2010?

mong the many useful features of the Microsoft Office 2007 applications is AutoRecover. It involves saving all the data in the Office 2007 application after a specific time interval so that it is recovered in case there is a power outage or a system crash. All your work or data in the Office application is saved automatically after that specific time interval. This feature keeps you from losing work you have done. By default, this AutoRecover interval is set to 10 minutes in all the Office 2007 applications. However, it is possible to change AutoRecover interval in Office 2007. If you change AutoRecover interval in Office 2007 to less than 10 minutes such as after every 5 minutes, you will be able to save your work or data frequently. It will prove very helpful if you are facing problems in the power supply or your operating system.

The option to change AutoRecover interval in Office 2007 is offered for every application. Here we will use the example of Excel 2007. Follow these steps to change AutoRecover interval in Office 2007:

1. Click on the Office button.

2. Click on the "Excel Options" button on the bottom of the resulting menu.

3. The Excel Options dialog box will appear. Select Save on the left hand side of the menu.

4. Check the box for "Save AutoRecover information".

5. Select how often you would like Excel to save the data for AutoRecover.

6. Click OK.

You should not set the time to a very short time interval. Remember that when working on larger worksheets or documents don't set the AutoRecover to a very short time interval such as 1 minute because that may begin to slow down the computer, as saving a large amount of data after each minute will strain the computer.

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How to connect your home computer from Remote location?

Using the Remote Desktop feature, you can connect your home computer (host) from any other remote computer (client) and can access all computer resources (installed programs, data and any network resources). You can run any computer application on the remote computer as you were running actually sitting in front of home computer.

Follow the given steps to configure your computer to connect remote computer:

To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

o perform this task, first make sure your both computers are connected to the internet.

First you have to configure the host computer that allows the users to connect it remotely. On the host computer, right click on "My computer" and click on Properties option.

Under the Remote tab, select the option "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" and click Ok button.

Now get the IP address of host computer (type the "ipconfig /all" on the command prompt of host computer to find IP address).

Now make a connection on remote or client computer, click on Start button, go to All Programs> Accessories, and Communications, then click on Remote Desktop Connection, option. A Remote Desktop Connection, dialog box will appear.

Click on Options button for detail configuration, under the General tab, type the IP address of host computer in the Computer box and also type username and password of host computer then click on Connect button to make a connection to remote computer.

If your username and password is correct then a remote desktop windows will appear.

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How to Perform a Repair Installation of Windows XP - PC Troubleshooting Computer Tips

If you cannot get your Windows XP computer started and have ran out of options you can try a repair install. A repair install will install Windows over your existing copy and leave all your settings, documents and programs intact. If you do not see this option during the following the procedure then your Windows installation may be too corrupt to repair. If you can get into Windows and you have Internet Explorer 7 installed then you need to uninstall it through Add/Remove Programs first before attempting the repair installation or else Internet Explorer may not work anymore.

The first thing you need to do is configure your computer to boot from the CD-ROM drive. Click here for more information on how to do so or refer to your computer's documentation or contact your computer manufacturer. You may also want to check your BIOS for boot options. After you set this up, insert your Windows XP Setup CD, and restart your computer.

When the Press any key to boot from CD message is displayed on your screen, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.

Press ENTER when you see the message To setup Windows XP now, and then press ENTER displayed on the Welcome to Setup screen.

DO NOT choose the option to press R to use the Recovery Console.

In the Windows XP Licensing Agreement, press F8 to agree to the license agreement.

Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then press R to repair Windows XP.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete Setup.

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How to Access the Windows Recovery Console - Microsoft Windows Tips

The Windows Recovery Console is used to recover your operating system when your computer does not start correctly or does not start at all. The Recovery Console gives you limited access to the NTFS file system, FAT, and FAT32 volumes. Recovery Console prevents the familiar Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) from loading in order to repair and recover Windows functionality. Here are the steps required to load the Recovery Console.

You will need a Windows XP CD to boot from. Put the CD in the drive and start the computer. You should get an option to Press any key to boot from CD. Press any key when you see this message.

Next, Windows XP will Begin the Setup Process as if you were installing Windows itself.

At the screen below press R to enter the Recovery Console.

The Recovery Console will ask which Windows installation to access. Most people only have one Windows XP installation so you most likely will only have one choice.

Then it will ask for the administrator password for your Windows XP installation. Type in your administrator password or leave it blank and press enter if you don't have one.

The Recovery Console is now ready for use and you can type in commands to try and fix your computer's problem. When you are finished, take out the Windows XP CD and type exit to restart the computer.

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How to Access the Windows Recovery Console - Microsoft Windows Tips

The Windows Recovery Console is used to recover your operating system when your computer does not start correctly or does not start at all. The Recovery Console gives you limited access to the NTFS file system, FAT, and FAT32 volumes. Recovery Console prevents the familiar Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) from loading in order to repair and recover Windows functionality. Here are the steps required to load the Recovery Console.

You will need a Windows XP CD to boot from. Put the CD in the drive and start the computer. You should get an option to Press any key to boot from CD. Press any key when you see this message.

Next, Windows XP will Begin the Setup Process as if you were installing Windows itself.

At the screen below press R to enter the Recovery Console.

The Recovery Console will ask which Windows installation to access. Most people only have one Windows XP installation so you most likely will only have one choice.

Then it will ask for the administrator password for your Windows XP installation. Type in your administrator password or leave it blank and press enter if you don't have one.

The Recovery Console is now ready for use and you can type in commands to try and fix your computer's problem. When you are finished, take out the Windows XP CD and type exit to restart the computer.

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How to Access the Windows Recovery Console - Microsoft Windows Tips

The Windows Recovery Console is used to recover your operating system when your computer does not start correctly or does not start at all. The Recovery Console gives you limited access to the NTFS file system, FAT, and FAT32 volumes. Recovery Console prevents the familiar Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) from loading in order to repair and recover Windows functionality. Here are the steps required to load the Recovery Console.

You will need a Windows XP CD to boot from. Put the CD in the drive and start the computer. You should get an option to Press any key to boot from CD. Press any key when you see this message.

Next, Windows XP will Begin the Setup Process as if you were installing Windows itself.

At the screen below press R to enter the Recovery Console.

The Recovery Console will ask which Windows installation to access. Most people only have one Windows XP installation so you most likely will only have one choice.

Then it will ask for the administrator password for your Windows XP installation. Type in your administrator password or leave it blank and press enter if you don't have one.

The Recovery Console is now ready for use and you can type in commands to try and fix your computer's problem. When you are finished, take out the Windows XP CD and type exit to restart the computer.

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